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Did you know that 1 in 4 people have a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) also known as a hole in the heart?

A PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) is the medical term for what is often referred to as a hole in the heart. 50% Of people who suffer from the common symptoms have a significantly sized hole in the heart.

A 15 minute TCD test can determine if it is you

Do you experience these symptoms?

50% of people who suffer from the conditions below have a significantly sized hole in the heart.

  • Migraines with Aura
  • Stroke
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Brain Fog
  • Fatigue 
  • Shortness of Breath
Photo 10-10-2020, 3 01 43 pm
Trisha - Brisbane

“Mentally it has been hard to train as hard and as often as I was scared of having a stroke, it was like having a ticking time bomb in my chest,” Trisha remarked.

Much to her relief, Trisha has since had her PFO closed with no issues. After the closure procedure she sensed immediate changes, feeling ‘strangely awake’ without any of the brain fog she had become accustomed to. Trisha has reported only one or two migraines with no pain since the closure, and during exercise has felt none of the previous light headedness.

Trisha has already rebooked her scuba course for next winter and is thrilled about returning to CrossFit in earnest and competing for the coming season.”

A hole in the heart can increase stroke risk.

People are at higher risk of a stroke if they have a hole in the heart as well as the following conditions:

  • Blood clots / DVTs and blood clotting disorders
  • Fat entering the bloodstream associated with fractures of bones, orthopaedic surgery, liposuction surgery
  • Amniotic fluid associated with childbirth
  • Nitrogen associated with ‘the bends’ and scuba diving
  • A diagnosis & minimally invasive closure means a lifetime of stroke risk can be avoided.
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